PNANV's Graduation Cords are given to PNANV student members who are graduating with
Associates Degree (ADN), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) , Post-graduate Degrees (Masters or Doctorate).
Maintain C or Better (weighted grade average, copy of transcript)
Required to attend the general assembly meeting (in person, WEBEX, or via
Zoom—attendance log)
Must have at least two (2) volunteering/outreach events of one (1) hour each within the last
two years (letter or certificate)
Required to be an active member in one of PNANV Committees, with a 50% attendance of
meetings in a year. (attendance log)
For application, please fill out the link and upload the requirements.
For further inquiries, send an email to to the
Membership Committee co- chairs:
Lloyd John D. Gamboa, RN
Claudette Lachowicz, DNP, RN
Mark Blen Velonza, BSN, RN
